1. Complaint Management Policy
- Any complaints to be submitted will be thoroughly studied
- There will be fair treatment to the person concerned and to any Person / Human Resources person to whom the complaint may be made.
- Personal data protection as defined by the European Union and the relevant law will always be respected.
- The Board of Directors, the Management and the Personnel recognize the right to complain and are committed to the objective of fair and effective resolution of problems that may arise from the services they offer.
2. Complaint Procedure
Wording of a complaint or point for improvement by residents, visitors and staff can be done:
- either verbally, during the provision of services to residents or other interested parties
- either by letter or relevant document, which the interested visitor can send directly to the hotel
- either in writing at the presence of the person concerned at the hotel, where the "Form for Complaints - Improvement Proposals" is placed in specific positions stands where the person receives them, completes them and then places them with a special envelope in their special collection boxes
- at the same time a complaint or a point of improvement may be formulated by a member of the staff, following the relevant "Non-Compliance / Corrective and Precautionary Action"
3. Time to handle complaints
If the response to the complaint is not feasible, it will be investigated within the following time frames:
- The complaint will be investigated within 10 business days and the response will then be sent.